Magic Johnson faked AIDS?

Posted: October 11, 2008 in life, NBA, News, Random, Sports
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Unbelievable stories pop up every now and then. But this one involving Magic Johnson’s health is far from being laughable. Actually, I kinda went off the deep end when I read about it.

First of all, here are the names of the 2 infamous culprits: Chris Baker and Langdon Perry of KTLK radio in Minneapolis.

Those two morons just queried Magic’s health, saying his AIDS was faked all along. Just have a glance at the transcript:

Perry, “Like Magic with his faked AIDS. Magic faked AIDS.”

Baker said, “You think Magic faked AIDS for sympathy?”

Perry replied, “I’m convinced that Magic faked AIDS, because he’s the very first man to have recovered from AIDS.”

“Me too,” Baker said.

I think it’s pretty unsettling to read such foolishness. There’s no way in hell Magic faked his disease. I mean how in the world can you distrust a man who claims he’s having AIDS? And why would Magic have lied anyway? What’s the point? He was only 32 at the time and his career was ongoing.

Johnson reacted later and said he was baffled to hear a such thing, adding: “I poured my life into it and a lot of other people have poured their life into it, into getting out the right information so people can protect themselves and know what HIV and AIDS is all about.”

AIDS is a very serious issue and it’s an understatement to say those dudes aren’t the smartest tool in the shed. I assume they wanted to draw folk’s attention but it certainly wasn’t a very smart move to do.

  1. Fredd says:

    I hope they’ll get fired !

  2. pacer521 says:

    that’s messed up.

  3. Sarah says:

    Seriously, these 2 have nothing better to joke about. In those times, 1991, when people are treating HIV-positive/AIDS individuals like the Black Plague, why would one of the wealthiest and best-known atheletes joke about having the virus and risk losing everything he has? Besides, Johnson had never developed AIDS, so he has ‘never recovered from AIDS”. He is merely HIV-positive, but still in excellent health, thanks to cocktail drug therapy, regular excercise, a healthy diet and a supportive family.

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